IMPORTANT : This item can only be shipped to an US address. Combining this with non US Domestic item would add the shipping costs together.
Masteron has been a very rare product on the market for a very long time. Therefore it was not in the hands of casual sportsmen, but rather pro bodybuilders who are fond of it because of its rapid elimination in the body, and because that it does not produce estrogenic side effects.
Often counterfeit, very expensive, and very hard to find on the black market.
The deal has fortunately changed and Masteron is now much more easily accessible.
Originally, Masteron was made in Belgium by Syntex laboratories and comes in 2 ml ampoules containing 100 mg of product in the late 80s.
But Syntex has now stopped production years ago, which explains the previous difficulty to get Masteron.
Do not panic, many laboratories have jumped on the occasion and have launched the production, among them we find Thaiger Pharma, Meditech or MaxPro.
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