Informations About Proviron.
Proviron, manufactured by Bayer Schering, contains Metherolone as a substance.
Proviron distinguishes itself by its highly androgenic being and effects on preventing estrogen forming in the body. It is an oral dihydrotestosterone which promotes androgenic effects on the body three to four times more compared to such as testosterone propionate, furthermore it is incapable forming estrogen.
Nevertheless, it can not be counted as a sufficient steroid for gainig strength and muscle mass by itself mostly because of lacking of anabolic features. However, it is more proper one for stacks especially with testosterone. The ability of reducing the level of estrogen in the body makes it one of the best compounds of testosterone stacks. Thus, it is more commonly used as a anti-estrogen by both body builders and athletes. In addition to its anti-estrogen being, Proviron can help boost the potency of testosterone in the body by freeing testosterone from its binding to sex hormone-binding globulin.
Proviron has hands up effects especially when it used in stack with Winstrol, oxandrolone and Primobolan. These drugs are know as the relatively low androgenic content. At this point, Proviron promotes a well needed androgen, which causes an increase in the hardness and density of the muscles. For female bodybuilders single 25mg tablet will be sufficient in shifting the androgen/estrogen ratio, and can lead a well desired results on the physique. Nevertheless, its highly androgenic being should take into account. Therefore, especially women bodybuilders need to be cautious while having a cycle on it. Higher dosages clearly have the potential side effects such as a most potent one, virilization symptoms. Due to the fact that, it is not recommended women bodybuilders to take more than one tablet per day, and the duration of five week usage. It should also be noted that Proviron is also considered as a proper choice for during contest preparations. These are the times when having lower estrojen and highly androgen levels are mostly desirable.
Proviron is available for sale on your trustable steroid shop in no need of any prescription.